A DVD focussing on “modern steam” developments is available from John Slater in Australia titled “Super Steam”. The 72 minute video is available through http://www.rossrailvideo.com.au/dvds.htm for $AUD 39.95 (approx £20).
Broadcasts about the 5AT and Modern Steam have not been frequent, and the only two that are known are listed here: 19th July 2006 – BBC Radio 4 broadcast a program called “Steam Driven” that can still available on the BBC’s website. The broadcast features the voices of David Wardale, Roger Waller, Shaun McMahon and others expressing their views on […]
15 audio tracks recorded in South Africa in the early 1980s by David Wardale and Nick Bartlett are available on this website. They include several recordings of The Red Devil, including one during which it develops an equivalent drawbar power of around 2,460 kW (3,300 h.p.) while accelerating up a 1% gradient with 1200 tonnes […]
Numerous presentations have been made relating to the 5AT Project. Indeed, they continue to be made even after the project’s suspension, since the project is still of interest and significance to anyone interested in steam traction. Presentations about the 5AT may be found on a separate page in this section. This page provides access to […]
Here’s a link that leads to information about all sorts of steam concepts, new and not-so-new: Doug Self’s “Unusual Locomotives” at http://www.douglas-self.com/MUSEUM/LOCOLOCO/locoloco.htm Here’s a link to a website that offers some introductory information about steam engines that has been especially recommended by the students of Linda Fuller from the Colonial Acadamy: http://www.custom-qr-codes.net/history-steam-locomotive.html. Here’s a link […]
Steam Locomotive Knowledge Base: http://www.steamlocomotive.com/ Rob Dickenson’s “International Steam Pages”: http://www.internationalsteam.co.uk/trains/newsteam/modern.htm Don Ashton’s “Steam Locomotive Valve Gears”: http://www.donashton.co.uk/index.html Coalition for Sustainable Rail: http://www.csrail.org/ 73082 Camelot Locomotive Society: http://www.73082-camelot.com/ International Steam Locomotives: http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/steam/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/steam_tech/ Umgeni Steam Railway in South Africa: http://www.umgenisteamrailway.co.za Reef Steamers in South Africa: http://www.reefsteamers.com/ RSA Trainz – developing 3D virtual models of South […]
The following lists websites containing useful content relating to “modern steam”: Wikipedia page on 5AT Locomotive titled” “5AT Advanced Technology Steam Locomotive“ Wikipedia page on Modern Steam titled “Advanced Steam Technology“ Chapelon website: http://www.chapelon.net/ Ing. Livio Dante Porta: http://www.martynbane.co.uk/modernsteam/ldp/ldp.htm Extensive information on modern steam subjects covering all the well known engineers and some less well […]
DLM (owner-operators of 52-8055): http://www.dlm-ag.ch/ West Coast Railways, Victoria, Australia: http://www.wcr.com.au Brienz Rothorn Bahn mountain railway (operating DLM locos): http://www.brienz-rothorn-bahn.ch/bahn/ Brig Visp Zermatt Bahn operating a DLM’d loco: http://www.bvz.ch/ Kirklees Light Railway: http://www.kirkleeslightrailway.co.uk/ or http://www.stephenashton.freeserve.co.uk/ Ferrocarril Austral Fueguino (End of the World Railway, Argentina): see http://www.martynbane.co.uk/modernsteam/smcmahon/smfcaf.htm Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway: http://www.wllr.org.uk/ Puffing Billy Railway, […]
Steam Locomotive Design: http://www.steam-loco-design.co.uk/; contact ian.gaylor@steam-loco-design.co.uk Girdlestone & Associates: http://www.pgrail.co.za/; contact pgrail@venturenet.co.za Shaun McMahon: contact engineer@arnet.com.ar; see also http://www.martynbane.co.uk/modernsteam/smcmahon/smcmahon.htm Nigel Day: contact Nigelsteamday@aol.com [see brochure]; see also http://www.martynbane.co.uk/modernsteam/nday/nigeldayhome.htm DLM: http://www.dlm-ag.ch/; contact Roger Waller at roger.waller@dlm-ag.ch Vapor Locomotive Company: www.vaporlocomotive.com; contact Matt Janssen at mjanssen@vaporlocomotive.com. Interlok: http://www.interlok.info/indexe.htm
Don Ashton’s website offers downloadable simulation software for several types of valve gear plus useful information, articles and links to other sites of interest.
Charles Dockstader’s website offers several (approx 14) downloadable software packages for simulating Walschaerts, Stephenson, Baker, Joy, Allan, Gooch, Hackworth, Caprotti, Gresley, Bulleid, and several other valve gears.
5AT Group member Jamie Keyte is in the process of developing a new steam loco performance simulation package which he has named “STEAM“, standing for “Steam Traction Engineering Analysis Method”. The software is being developed as an MS Excel spreadsheet model which offers the significant advantage over other packages in that it can be interrogated […]