- Steam Locomotive Knowledge Base: http://www.steamlocomotive.com/
- Rob Dickenson’s “International Steam Pages”: http://www.internationalsteam.co.uk/trains/newsteam/modern.htm
- Don Ashton’s “Steam Locomotive Valve Gears”: http://www.donashton.co.uk/index.html
- Coalition for Sustainable Rail: http://www.csrail.org/
- 73082 Camelot Locomotive Society: http://www.73082-camelot.com/
- International Steam Locomotives: http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/steam/
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/steam_tech/
- Umgeni Steam Railway in South Africa: http://www.umgenisteamrailway.co.za
- Reef Steamers in South Africa: http://www.reefsteamers.com/
- RSA Trainz – developing 3D virtual models of South African Railways steam locomotives including The Red Devil: http://rsatrainz.com/
- A website focussing on “New Build Steam” can be found at http://newbuildsteam.wordpress.com/
- An English-language website focussing on French Compound locomotives: http://thierry.stora.free.fr/main.html