5AT Features
Special Features of the 5AT Locomotive
This “Features” page covers features of particular interest relating to the 5AT that differentiate it from First Generation Steam. These are covered under the following subheadings:
- Thermal Efficiency
- Power-to-Weight Ratio
- Adhesion
- Reliability
- Operating Costs
- Maintenance Costs
- Route Availability
- Fuels and Fuel Consumption
- Operating Range
- Emissions and Environmental Considerations
- Twin Valves and Steam Chest
- Long Stroke Pistons
- Steam-tight Valves, Pistons and Piston-rod Glands
- Long Travel Long Lap Valves with Large Port Openings
- Economiser and Feedwater Heaters
- Low Cylinder “Clearance Volume”
- Piston Tail Rods