The Advanced Steam Traction Group (AST Group) was established in 2012 following the closure of the 5AT Project. The group consists of the Advanced Steam Traction Trust – ASTT, a not-for-profit company, and Advanced Steam Traction Services Ltd – ASTS, which undertakes commercial activities on behalf of the Trust.
The AST Group seeks to promote the ongoing development of steam traction with the aim of prolonging steam operation of both main-line and heritage line workings for the interest and enjoyment of present and future generations.
ASTT is a unique organization within the heritage steam movement in that it focuses on the engineering aspects of steam locomotive technology. In so doing, it follows in the footsteps of the old Institution of Locomotive Engineers and pursues aims and practices very similar to that esteemed institution, the first of its Objects having been:
“The advancement of the science and practice of locomotive engineering by discussion, inquiry, research, experiment and other means, the diffusion of knowledge regarding locomotive engineering by means of lectures, publications, exchange of information and otherwise“.
Over half of our membership is made up of practicing, retired, and student engineers of various disciplines. Our activities include Annual Conferences which are open to members and non-members alike. We also circulate a tri-annual journal or “Newsletter” to our members. We publish specialist books on steam traction and undertake research into various aspects of steam locomotive operation, such as low-carbon fuels. We are in the process of designing and building a miniature “modern steam” locomotive that will act as a guinea-pig for the testing and development of new ideas.
Membership of the group is open to all. For joining information please go to the Membership page, or else write to to request further information.
Through this website’s 500+ pages, you can learn more about the AST Group, its aims, its 5AT legacy, and “Modern Steam” technology. The “Search” function on the right-hand side of the black band at the top of this page should help you find what you’re looking for. Alternatively, see the Site Map for a listing of all the pages.
Revolution Project
Our principal project just now is the design and construction of a revolutionary new locomotive to be appropriately named “Revolution”. It is being built in miniature scale (10¼” gauge) as a low-cost demonstrator of new and developing ideas. See the Revolution page for more information.