Why use Walschaerts valve gear and not Caprotti driven poppet valves?

Why not use Variable Lead Valve Gear?

Readers have occasionally asked whether consideration was given to applying variable lead to the Walschaerts valve gear on the 5AT. In fact, Wardale did give thought to this and he discusses it in FDC 5 (line 34) where he wrote: Varying lead with cut-off is possible by shortening the eccentric crank length or slotting the […]

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Why not use three cylinders to improve balancing?

The following answer is taken from Wardale’s response to an unpublished letter from Bryan Attewell written in response to Wardale’s two-part article “Steaming into the Future” published in Steam Railway magazines #272 and #273: “Mr Attewell criticises the choice of 2 cylinders for high speed, but the 2-cylinder locomotive cannot be simply condemned without fully […]

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Why was Walschaerts Valve Gear chosen over Baker?

The following comes from a “Is it just a Phantom” – David Wardale’s response to Herr Ebel published in Lok Report in March 2001: “It should be noted that needle roller bearings were an integral part of the American Baker valve gear, and are extensively used on Walschaerts valve gear on Chinese locomotives, operating successfully […]

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What about effects of Hammer Blow effects?

The effects of “hammer blow” are discussed in the response to the FAQ relating to perceived benefits of a 3-cylinder arrangement.  However they are covered in more detail in the Notes on FDC 8 where Wardale’s conclusions are presented as follows: The 5AT locomotive can be satisfactorily balanced for 200 km/h operation by all criteria […]

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