David Pawson
Dr David Pawson
Dr David Pawson, a retired Group Research Director from a large multinational company and a student of steam locomotive performance, has published a number of papers in which he has made detailed comparisons between test data from the old Rugby and Swindon (steam) locomotive testing plants, and performance predictions from Professor Bill Hall’s Perform and Perwal software packages.
Dr Pawson gave valuable assistance to the 5AT project by assisting David Wardale in the use of Prof Hall’s Perwal program to simulate the 5AT’s performance in the preparation of FDC 18 “Performance Predictions”.
Dr Pawson further assisted in the preparation of the Feasibility Study for the 5AT Project by predicting (with the use of use of Prof. Hall’s Perwal software) the actual performance that the 5AT might be expected to deliver over some well-known routes in the UK. His predictions are outlined on the pages of the 5AT website titled: 5AT Performance Predictions based on Computer Simulation and Predictions of 5AT Operational Performance in Practice.
Dr Pawson is now actively involved with the AST Group, particularly in the preparation of performance predictions for the Clan Project study.