ASTT’s 2019 Conference – Crewe – 5/6 October
Conference attendees visiting the premises of Locomotive Storage Ltd.
ASTT held its annual conference in the Crewe Ibis Hotel over the weekend of 5th to 6th October 2019. With 50 attendees over the two days, attendance was significantly higher than in previous years, with five countries being represented: UK; USA; Holland; Spain and Latvia.
There were 10 speakers as listed below. Most of the papers and video recordings of the presentations can be accessed by members who have logged-in by going to the 2019 Conference Presentations page.
Speakers and their presentations were as follows:
- Mike Horne (ASTT Member): “Electronic Measurement of Locomotive Performance being developed by ASTT“;
- Wolf Fengler, (Chief Engineer for the Coalition for Sustainable Rail based in Colorado, USA): “Update on Biofuel Testing“;
- Peter Greenwood (Trustee of Locomotive Storage Ltd.): “History of Locomotive Storage Ltd“;
- Dr. Jos Koopmans (from the Netherlands and author of “The Fire Burns Better …“): “Calculation of front ends with multiple orifices“;
- Jonas Nilender (Student Member from the USA) : “Advanced Steam Locomotive Proposals in Review 1933 – 2019”;
- Wolf Fengler (see above): “The T1 Project“;
- Hendrik Kaptein (also from the Netherlands): “Chapelon’s La Locomotive a Vapeur – from 1938 to Today – why it is uniquely important”;
Jamie Keyte (ASTT Member & Director of Keyte Smith Ltd): “Update on the Revolution Project“;
- Richard Sant (Secretary, Patriot Project): “Update on the LMS-Patriot project“;
- Joe Cliffe (ASTT Member): “Wood Burning Locomotives”.
The conference programme also included a conducted tour of Locomotive Storage Ltd’s facilities in Crewe, and a conference dinner at the Crewe Ibis Hotel that was attended by 35 guests.