Category Archives: 5AT

Calculated Performance Predictions for the 5AT

5AT Performance Predictions defined in Wardale’s FDCs The “Deltic” performance predictions for the 80 tonne 5AT locomotive are astonishing when compared to similar sized locomotives of the “steam era”. It is hard to believe that a locomotive no bigger than a Standard Class 5 would be able to produce performances far superior to any British […]

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Performance Examples

Predictions of 5AT Operational Performance in Practice Dr David Pawson has prepared several performance predictions for the 5AT based on the performance predictions generated by Professor Hall’s Perwal software.His predictions cover operation of the 5AT over two famous rail routes in the UK, one covering Crewe to Carlisle (over Shap Summit) and the other from […]

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Computer Simulation

5AT Performance Predictions based on Computer Simulation Having (manually) completing the full 17 sets of Fundamental Design Calculations, Dave Wardale undertook an independent verification of the 5AT’s performance using a computer-based steam loco performance simulation software package created by the late Professor Bill Hall Bill Hall wrote two simulation programs (see downloads page): “Perform” – […]

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5AT Performance Predictions

The 5AT’s Predicted Performance (based on Wardale’s calculations) The following summary of the 5AT’s performance capabilities are as stated by David Wardale and derive from his Fundamental Design Calculations for the locomotive: Nominal starting wheel rim tractive effort = 146 kN (32,830 lb), requiring a starting coefficient of adhesion of 0.248. Maximum rated drawbar power […]

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5AT Project

5AT Project Summary The background to the 5AT Project begins with the classic work of the French engineer André Chapelon (1892 – 1978) and the improvements he achieved in both the efficiency and performance of the steam locomotive.  By taking a rational scientific approach to steam locomotive development Chapelon was able to incorporate improvements into rebuilds of existing designs […]

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Engineering of the 5AT The 5AT Group includes a number of people, including professional engineers, with experience in designing, building, operating and maintaining steam locomotives. Until the suspension of the 5AT Project, their efforts were directed at developing preliminary designs for the 5AT locomotive, including Fundamental Design Calculations, Detailed Design and Engineering Drawings. Other aspects […]

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References and Resources It is perhaps not surprising that there is a dearth of published material on the subject of Modern Steam since so few people are involved in developing or promoting it.  This section provides links to some reference and resource materials and websites that are publicly available together with some papers and other […]

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Mollier Diagrams

There are six interrelated properties that define the state of steam: Temperature Pressure Dryness Fraction (within the saturated zone) Enthalpy Internal energy Entropy Fixing the value of any two properties defines the value of all the others. Thus fixing the values of Enthalpy and Entropy is sufficient to define Temperature, Pressure and Internal Energy of […]

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Modern Steam

Modern Steam – An Introduction The term “Modern Steam” appears to have been an invention of Ing Livio Dante Porta who, during much of his long career, worked single-mindedly and mostly single-handedly to promote the concepts that define the meaning of the term as it relates to the development of the traditional Stephensonian reciprocating steam locomotive through the application […]

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Thermodynamic Equations

Page Under Development This page is still “under development”. Please contact the if you would like to help by contributing text to this or any other page. Thermodynamics Nomenclature: T = temperature (oK) V = volume of system (cubic metres) P or p = pressure at the boundary of the system and its environment, […]

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Thermodynamic Definitions

Page Under Development This page is still “under development”. Please contact the if you would like to help by contributing text to this or any other page. Definitions of thermodynamic concepts such as Entropy and Enthalpy are provided on separate pages of this website.  Numerous useful (and often diverse) definitions of these and other terms […]

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Draft Text Only – Readers’ suggestions and inputs are welcome Introduction Oliver Bullied, disciple of Gresley and famously progressive CME of the Southern Railway, is often quoted as saying “Thermodynamics never sold a single locomotive” (or words to that effect) when commenting on Chapelon’s contemporary locomotive developments in France.  Whether true or apocryphal, the remark […]

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