Category Archives: Books

Selection of Papers by L.D. Porta – Volume 3

Boilers, Fireboxes andCombustion The Argentinean engineer Livio Dante Porta (1922 – 2003) remains an unsung hero in the long history of steam locomotive development. Following in the footsteps of Chapelon, he rebuilt numerous locomotives in Argentina and elsewhere, and designed several revolutionary locomotives, both large and small. Like Chapelon, none of his designs were built […]

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Selection of Papers by L.D. Porta – Volume 2

Adhesion, Compounding and the Tornado Proposal The Argentinean engineer Livio Dante Porta (1922 – 2003) remains an unsung hero in the long history of steam development. Following in the footsteps of Chapelon, he rebuilt numerous locomotives in Argentina and elsewhere, and designed several revolutionary locomotives, both large and small. Like Chapelon, none of his designs […]

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Selection of Papers by L.D. Porta – Volume 1

Tribology and Lubrication “Porta’s 1995 Tribology paper is the most complete account of steam tribology ever written and offers the steam movement a new level of understanding of lubrication and wear” [quoted from Joe Cliffe’s preface to the paper].  It should also be essential reading for everyone involved in new-build steam, and wise reading for anyone […]

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The fire burns much better …..

“The fire burns much better …..” (second edition) by J.J. Koopmans ASTT is pleased to offer this Camden title “The fire burns much better …. ” by J.J. Koopmans, at the publisher’s price of £24.95 plus postage and packing.  (Discount available to ASTT members.) The cost of packaging and postage are currently as follows: “Within […]

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Ian Gaylor

Ian Gaylor is a consultant design engineer with a lifetime of experience in both mechanical engineering design and steam locomotive operation. One-time Head of Mechanical Engineering at Cranfield Institute of Technology’s Product Engineering Centre, Ian now runs his own engineering consulting practice “Steam Loco Design” specialising in steam locomotives and railway rolling-stock.- see  He […]

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Here be Dragons

A Journey with Steam to the End of the World by Phil Girdlestone. Phil Girdlestone, who died in April 2016, was well known within the “modern steam” fraternity as one of a small band of latter-day adventurers who pursued steam as a vocation.  Girdlestone’s engineering career began in the late 1970s on the Festiniog Railway […]

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5AT Feasibility Study

The “Feasibility Study regarding the formation of a Steam Locomotive Development Company to produce advanced technology Second Generation Steam (SGS) Locomotives” was issued in May 2010 some nine years after the establishment of the 5AT Project.  It it represented the final throw of the dice by the project team in its efforts to generate interest […]

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