Category Archives: AST News

News from China ….

ASTT member Liang Chenyuan has sent us a link to a video of an experiment carried out on steam locomotives in China recently. Chenyuan, who only recently joined ASTT, reports that the experiments were undertaken in 2017 by the Chuntian Company on QJ and SY locomotives owned by the Jitong Railway Company, which involved the […]

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Bevil’s Lunch Club

A new page has been added to the Members section of the website notifying members of the existence of the Bevil’s Lunch Club at which railway enthusiasts and professionals meet every week. Attendance and membership is  by  invitation only, however its meetings are both informal and highly informative.  ASTT members are encouraged to join. The […]

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ASTT 2018 Annual General Meeting

ASTT will hold its 2018 Annual General Meeting in the Bury Transport Museum at Bury, Lancs, on Saturday 3rd March.  All members are invited to attend. It is expected that following the AGM, a general meeting will be held for which members are invited to offer presentations on the topic; “If I was Chief Engineer […]

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Your article on clinker was something I could relate to. I’ve been a fireman on the Welshpool & Llanfair Rly for 21 years although my volunteering career started on the Ffestiniog Rly back in 1968. A round trip on the W&L is 16 miles, the gradient profile is rather sawtooth with some steep climbs followed […]

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