Physiology of the Locomotive Boiler – Vol 1

Physiology of the Locomotive Boiler – Part 1.
Author Adrian Tester.  Published by Crimson Lake.
ISBN 978 0 957 0779 1 1

This long-awaited book will exceed most readers’ expectations.  Filling almost 600 pages, it covers such a wide variety of subjects that it is hard to imagine what can be left unsaid that will fill a second volume.  Notwithstanding, a second volume is already in progress, though the author expects it may take some time before it emerges.

The extent of the subject matter covered in this first volume is probably best covered by its Table of Contents which is reproduced here.

Joe Cliffe, ASTT’s senior member, offered the following comments on the book:

“A seminal work by someone who understands modern heat transfer criteria, surpassing even Chapelon in this respect, and in its depth of understanding of current heat transfer mechanisms with turbulent flow and Reynolds Number effects.

I particularly like the author’s erudition on superheater criteria and the accompanying trade-offs in steam and gas flows – for example, the cross over points where final steam temperatures are higher than the outlet gas flow, a poor outcome in, for example, the BR 7s and Duchess.  Also, the importance of a definite marked pressure drop on the steam side.  A brilliant analysis.

Also his critique of Chapelon’s ‘Temperament’ as he called it, definition of gas-side resistance, being based on volumetric flow instead of mass flow.

A very comprehensive survey of all types of superheater arrangements worldwide, superheat booster dampers (surely more should have been made of this), drifting valves etc.   The ludicrous Rugby electric superheater etc.

Also his approval in the appendices of the CR 956 low superheater area when poor draughting was the real problem, as in many other cases.   Schmidt’s fallacy on increased fluidity of high temperature steam when the reverse is true.

So much more I have not got to yet.

This book is essential reading for ASTT members!   Roll on Volume 2.”

Joe subsequently offered some additional and very interesting comments which can read here.

583 pages including uncounted tables, diagrams and photographs.

Book price: £48.00 (less 10% discount to ASTT members) plus £5.50 postage within the UK.
Postage extra outside the UK.

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