ASTT’s website forum is controlled through a “plug-in” (extension of its WordPress platform) called BBPress.
Like WordPress, BBPress defines the level of functionality that it makes available to users. Like WordPress, BBPress specifies a range of “User Roles” each with predefined “permissions” that limit what each user can do on the Forum.
The default bbPress Roles (in ascending order) are:
- Blocked – All capabilities are explicitly blocked.
- Spectator – Can only read topics and replies.
- Participant – Can create and edit their own topics and replies.
- Moderator – Can create and edit forums. Can create, edit and delete other users’ topics and replies. Can manage Tags, and moderate a forum with the moderation tools.
- Keymaster – Can create, edit and delete other users’ forums, topics and replies. Can manage Tags, and moderate a forum with the moderation tools. Has access to global forum settings, tools, and importer.
Each new member of ASTT is assigned a “user” role when his or her name is registered on the website. At present, members have generally been registered as Participants with the exception of Committee Members who have each been assigned the role of Moderator, while the webmaster and his daughter (who set up the website) are registered as Keymasters.
Members wishing to make greater use of the forum are encouraged to write to the webmaster to request changes to their User Roles and/or Permissions.
Please note that at present it is not possible to add attachments (files, images etc) to forum topics. This limitation can be lifted if users require.