Jamie Keyte – Committee Member and Trustee

Jamie Keyte BSc Mech. Eng.


Jamie Keyte

Jamie Keyte comes from the south of England.  From the age of 14 he was an active volunteer on the Mid-Hants Railway (the Watercress Line), eventually becoming Third Man on a footplate crew.

After a year’s work experience with BREL Ltd (formerly British Railways Engineering Limited) in Derby, Jamie completed a Mechanical Engineering Degree at the University of Southampton.   He then entered full time employment as a Structures Engineer at Derby with (then) ABB Transportation Ltd, later Adtranz and then Bombardier.  This mainly involved work on the repair of collision damaged rail vehicles.  After five years he moved to the post of Power Equipment Engineer.

In 2002 Jamie moved to a small company specialising in bespoke hydraulic and pneumatic power systems, including supply to the rail industry.  Around this time he became involved with the 5AT group, offering his knowledge of CAD, structures engineering and the UK rail approvals process.

In 2006 Jamie helped start up a new division of Hydrovane (now part of the Gardner Denver Group) specialising in compressed air systems for the rail and transit markets.

Following redundancy from Gardner Ltd in 2012, Jamie set up his own businesses: Keyte Smith Ltd specialising in the design and supply of compressor, hydraulics and drive systems to the rail, commercial vehicle and industrial market, while SteelartUK makes customised decorative steelwork for home and garden (with a strong emphasis on steam locomotives).

Besides working with John Hind on the 5AT Engineering Planning Working Party, Jamie undertook many tasks for the project including a stress analysis using Finite Element Analysis techniques on the 5AT connecting rod.  He also developed many original and exciting ideas for the evolutionary (and revolutionary) development of steam traction, some of which appear in the appendices to the 5AT Project Feasibility Study.  He is also in the process of developing his own locomotive simulation program on an Excel spreadsheet, which demonstrates good correlation with Prof. Bill Hall’s Perwal and Perform simulation packages.

Jamie lives in Derbyshire with his wife and daughters.  Aside from AST work he has restored two aged Land Rovers, enjoys sailing, and is involved with a group which runs one of the oldest Aveling & Porter traction engines in the UK.

Jamie Keyte in younger days, watering a WD 2-10-0 (now No 90775)