How to Join

Associate Membership:  If you are interested in joining the Trust, you are invited to download and complete a ASTT Membership Application Form, and either post it to the Membership Secretary at the address given on the form or email a scanned copy of it to  Please be sure to complete the Contact Permission Form attached to the application form.

The Associate Membership fee is £10 for those joining before 1st July and £5 for those joining after 1st July.  Thereafter, membership is renewable on 1st January each year when an annual fee of £10 falls due.

Full Membership is not normally offered to new members.  It is normally available only at the invitation of the General Committee to Associate Members who have been members for two or more years and who have been actively involved in AST’s activities.

Student Membership:  If you are a full-time student or apprentice and are interested in becoming a Student Member, please download and complete the Student Membership Application Form and return it to the Membership Secretary as above.  Please be sure to complete the Contact Permission Form attached to the application form.  Student membership is free.

Membership fees can be paid via cheque or bank transfer (see the Application Form for details) or via PayPal using the “payment button” below.

Payment options

Once you have become a member, it will be greatly appreciated if you would set up a Standing Order with your bank to pay your membership fee automatically on 1st January each year, thereby avoiding the need for renewal requests and reminders to be sent out.

Alternatively, if you use the PayPal option, please renew your membership next January 1st by choosing the “Subscribe” button on the Membership Renewal page which will set up an automatic renewal payment each 12 months thereafter.

If you are a UK member and would like to donate the tax rebate from your membership fee in the form of Gift-Aid, please fill in the Gift Aid Declaration in the same form and send it to the Membership Secretary at the address given.