Reply To: Porta's Derivation of Lempor Theory

Home Forums Exhaust Systems Porta's Derivation of Lempor Theory Reply To: Porta's Derivation of Lempor Theory

Martin Johnson

    Thank you both.
    John, I am aware of the caveats around the method. Also despite my scepticism, there is no doubt that the multi nozzle, long diffuser arrangement is going to give a good account of itself (E.G. Young proved that in 1930). I have rather more scepticism about trans-sonic nozzles, kordinas and converging mixing chambers.

    Chris, Many thanks for the links, I shall investigate further. I don’t have JK’s book. I read his Appendix on model locomotives in a borrowed version, which was enough to convince that the money would stay in my pocket.

    Don’t I sound like a crusty old fart these days!
