Books on General Steam Technology

Books on General Steam Technology

Phillipson E. A.,  Steam Locomotive Design: Data & Formulae, repub. The Locomotive Publishing Co. Ltd., London, 1936, available from Camden Miniature Steam as a digital download. Quayle J.P., Kempe’s Engineers Year-Book, 90th Edition, Morgan-Grampian Book Publishing Co. Ltd., London, 1985. Haigh A., The Design, Construction and Working of Locomotive Boilers – an Engineering Appraisal, Express […]

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Books on Steam Development

Chapelon A., La Locomotive a Vapeur, English edition [translated by Carpenter G. W.], Camden Miniature Steam Services, 2000. Rogers H.C.B., Chapelon – Genius of French Steam, Ian Allan, 1972. Van Riemsdijk, J.T., Compound Locomotives, Atlantic Transport Publishers, 1994 Carney I.F., Fowler’s Fury – the Story of a Unique British Locomotive, Ian Carney & Noodle Books, […]

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Books on Modern Steam

Wardale D., The Red Devil and Other  Tales from the Age of Steam, fifth edition, pub. Camden Miniature Steam, 2017 (available through this website). Wardale D.,The 5AT Fundamental Design Calculations, pub. ASTT 2014 (available through this website). Koopmans J.J.G., “The Fire Burns Much Better ..” pub. Sheffield University 2006. Fozard A., ed., 5AT Feasibility Study,  […]

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