Radio 4 listeners will have been saddened today (28th Jan 2020) at the news of the death of Nicholas Parsons at the grand age of 96. By a sad coincidence, Vyvyan Vickers has just reported that George Carpenter died yesterday (27th Jan) also at the age of 96. Vyvyan reports as follows:
“George was born in 1923 and had read the Railway Magazine since 1933 when he was 10. After the War, he made a lot of contacts both in the UK and particularly in France. He worked tor a long time with Kenneth Cantlie and in succession to him presided over the Bevil’s Lunch Club from the late 1970s to the mid 2010s.
He knew Dante Porta and worked with Chapelon whose “La Locomotive a Vapeur” he translated. He had a remarkable memory and an exceptional head for mental arithmetic. He was also a very decent man, definite without being discourteous.”
Vyvyan will be collecting memories of George from members of the Bevil’s Club which, with his permission, will be recorded on this website. Hopefully a photograph of him might also be found.