Don Ashton’s Valve Gear Simulation Software

“STEAM” Locomotive Performance Simulation Software

5AT Group member Jamie Keyte is in the process of developing a new steam loco performance simulation package which he has named “STEAM“, standing for “Steam Traction Engineering Analysis Method”. The software is being developed as an MS Excel spreadsheet model which offers the significant advantage over other packages in that it can be interrogated […]

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Allan Wallace’s Software

Dr Allan Wallace (PhD in mechanical engineering and fluid mechanics) runs his own engineering consulting company Avocet Consulting Pty Ltd in Adelaide, South Australia, that specialises in solving unusual and difficult engineering problems. Allan has undertaken several railway-related projects including the design of specialized rail freight wagons. Like Richard Coleby, Allan is an enthusiastic builder […]

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Porta Papers

A large number of paper covering a whole spectrum of topics about Modern Steam were written by Ing L.D. Porta, however most remain in hand-written manuscript form. The few that have been published include “Porta L.D., Advanced Steam Locomotive Development – Three Technical Papers” published by Camden Miniature Steam.  The papers included in this publication […]

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Books on General Steam Technology

Phillipson E. A.,  Steam Locomotive Design: Data & Formulae, repub. The Locomotive Publishing Co. Ltd., London, 1936, available from Camden Miniature Steam as a digital download. Quayle J.P., Kempe’s Engineers Year-Book, 90th Edition, Morgan-Grampian Book Publishing Co. Ltd., London, 1985. Haigh A., The Design, Construction and Working of Locomotive Boilers – an Engineering Appraisal, Express […]

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Books on Steam Development

Chapelon A., La Locomotive a Vapeur, English edition [translated by Carpenter G. W.], Camden Miniature Steam Services, 2000. Rogers H.C.B., Chapelon – Genius of French Steam, Ian Allan, 1972. Van Riemsdijk, J.T., Compound Locomotives, Atlantic Transport Publishers, 1994 Carney I.F., Fowler’s Fury – the Story of a Unique British Locomotive, Ian Carney & Noodle Books, […]

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Books on Modern Steam

Wardale D., The Red Devil and Other  Tales from the Age of Steam, fifth edition, pub. Camden Miniature Steam, 2017 (available through this website). Wardale D.,The 5AT Fundamental Design Calculations, pub. ASTT 2014 (available through this website). Koopmans J.J.G., “The Fire Burns Much Better ..” pub. Sheffield University 2006. Fozard A., ed., 5AT Feasibility Study,  […]

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