Website Back-End

Instructions to Associate Members regarding access to the “back-end” of the website:

When logged-in, members have access to a  number “back-end” functions.  These can be found by clicking on the “Dashboard” link at the top-left-hand corner of a page, as below:

This will take them to the back-end section with a menu of options at the left side of the page, as below:

Of these menu items, there are only two that are immediately useful:

Posts: This page allows members to see a list of existing posts and to add posts of their own – e.g. news items – to the website. The method of doing so is described on the Posts page.

Profile: This page members to change their passwords or other information about themselves or add a “profile image”.  Note:  To change a password, click on the button “generate password” (near the bottom of the page) and replace the autogenerated code with a new password.  Once finished updating the page, click on “Update Profile” at the bottom of the page.   For further guidance, try or numerous other help sites.

[Note: members can also access their profile through the Front-End of the website as described on the Profile page.]

Of the other menu items:

Comments: Allows members to see comments that have been added to pages or posts on the website. At present, members can add comments to/about articles that appear in the News section of the site.  For further information see Posts and Comments page.  [Note: If desired, the site can be reconfigured to accept comments on/about any/all of its pages.]

Wikis: This facility (“plug-in”) is still functional but it is not currently functioning. It was originally set up to allow members to add or modify articles (pages) under the “Technical” section of the main menu. There were some minor formatting issues with the Wiki pages (which is why they were replaced with standard pages) but they and the functionality of the Wiki system can be reinstated if required.

Portfolio:  This appears to be a feature that allows members to add information about themselves. It is not known how or where that information would be displayed.

Contact: This section appears to have no functionality for members (or at least its purpose is not known to the webmaster at this stage).

Tools: Likewise, this item has no obvious functionality for members to use.

Return to Front-End

To return to the Front-End of the website, click on the “Home” icon at the top-left corner of the page.


Notes to Moderators regarding access to the “back-end” of the website:

When logged-in, members who have been given “forum moderator” roles have access to some additional “back-end” functions listed in menu of options at the left side of the back-end window.  These can seen below:

The two additional menu items are Topics and Replies.   Both relate to the Forum and are described on that page.